Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Green, the color of spring, of the fields that tempt to let yourself go on the grass. Now it’s just hope, but soon it will be real.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Green, the color of spring, of the fields that tempt to let yourself go on the grass. Now it’s just hope, but soon it will be real.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
A bowl of fruit as a silent ode of love to the spring that still seems so far.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Sweet awakening to the eyes, warms the heart and melts on the palate. It’s so soft and languid that I need this moment to last all the morning long.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
I thrust the cloth of dreams in an apple pie prepared for the weekend. It brings the flavors of moments of peace.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Create an intimate chemistry with the food you love, it will turn into a slow discovery of who you are.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
I get lost in the perfect shape of a circle. I follow the endless curve like hypnotized while having my first meal of the day.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Pancakes lover. Pancakes made with love. Pancakes to say I love you.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Pure white and blue blend perfectly to the visual perception as the sweetness on the palate.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
As children we learn that we are not allowed to play with food. As adults we forget about that.
Sunday Breakfast by Love For Breakfast
Gentleness that enhances the sight and taste. The simplicity of a true awakening.