Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Nouvelles Vagues is a huge project arranged by the Palais de Tokyo in collaboration with 30 galleries spread out around Paris and 21 international young curators from 13 countries, presenting the up-to-date artistic practices from worldwide. The large-scale event includes 53 exhibitions, which underline, without a fixed theme, the new waves of contemporary art, retracing at the same time some of its most significant steps of the last century. Among the shows, featured within the amazing French building, there are the Méthode Jacobson by Marc Bembekoff, The Black Moon by Sinziana Ravini, the Champs Élysé́es by Julie Boukobza and La Fin De La Nuit (Partie 1) by Martha Kirszenbaum, an homage to the brilliant, experimental scriptwriter and filmmaker Kenneth Anger, just to mention a few. If you end up in Paris by September 9th, this is definitely an unmissable exhibition!
Mart, Rovereto
If you are looking for a place in Italy to spend some days during the summer, to find a wide range of sporting and wine and food events, along with high level cultural and artistic locations, Rovereto is definitely one of the possible answers. Situated in Trentino Alto-Adige, in the northern of Italy, the city hosts, besides natural environments and historical buildings, the Contemporary and Modern Art Museum of Trento and Rovereto (Mart) offering always a worthwhile schedule of exhibitions. Among its current proposals we mention There and again, Souvenir de voyage, an experience for those who want to cross the boundaries of time and space. The show, through photographs, video and installations, retraces the changes in our way of traveling from the 18th century until present days. From the old masters Henri Béchard, Louis De Clercq, William Henry Fox Talbot to contemporary Patrick Tuttofuoco, Giulio Delvè, Julio Paz, Luca Vitone, passing through the brilliant works by Bruno Munari, Emilio Isgrò and Luigi Ghirri, the show presents a series of works that retrieve from memory and reflect on the present. On view during all summer there are also the exhibitions Controcultura tra America e Italia, Adalberto Libera, The ideal city and The magnificent obsession. Enjoy your trip!