Three weeks have flown by and here we are, once again, back at our boiling work desks and hot cities, suddenly praying that cold autumn winds come really, really soon. Coming back to your daily routine after all those long lazy days spent at some remote beach, is surely stressful. This is why we hope this first week at work might be lightened up a little bit by some of our witty writing. As we, too, like to take it slow and sooth ourselves into our usual work-sleep-work habits, we will try to cherish that summer feelings for a little longer and offer you some tips to preserve your holiday spirit wherever you might be.
But autumn is also, inevitably, a moment of change which The Blogazine is wholeheartedly embracing this year. So don’t be surprised if, in the following weeks, you find some novel ideas because we are trying to give ourselves a fresh start too in this exciting new season.