Give it a New York Minute
Those with a passion for theatre, art, architecture, food and urban adventure find it impossible to ignore the allure of New York. But be warned: while tourists arrive in their droves expecting big things from the city, they’re occasionally left, after their first day or two, feelingly heartbreakingly overwhelmed.
New York is like nowhere else. Easily romanticized, largely thanks to the dizzying glitter of Sex and the City, this is a place where the whole “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” still rings true. It draws in travellers, wide-eyed creatives, those desperate to change the world, and it gives them the opportunity to do exactly what they love. But this is why it becomes so busy. It’s a city that never sleeps precisely because it’s always on, always inspiring, always driving forward and easily intimidating. Basically, it will welcome you with open arms, but in return you really have to want to be there.
So, from one traveller to another: persevere. Look past the speed, noise and the bizarre feeling that you’re hopelessly lost somewhere in an untamed concrete jungle, and you’ll find the true New York beauty.
Spend an entire day in the MET, dazed in room after room filled with Degas and his impressionist friends, be awed by the visible storage space and encounter one of the most brilliantly curated collections of American art around. Snake your way through the Guggenheim and quickly discover that it is every bit the architectural feat it’s made out to be. Visit MOMA and gaze at the Kandinskys that spent years forgotten in a post war attic. Climb to the peak of the Empire State Building at midnight and see the geometric city roar in an illuminated haze below you, or simply watch as the leaves fall and the children chase bubbles in Central Park. Reconnect with your inner five -year-old by searching for Eloise at the Plaza, or just enjoy a drink Truman Capote style before having at least one Audrey moment in Tiffany’s. Chat with the artists in Williamsburg cafes, stare at the constellations in Grand Central, hunt down every Magnolia bakery and have what she’s having at Katz’s – that’s one for the Meg Ryan fans.
You’ll find New York’s magic by engaging with the city, accepting its pace as your own and understanding that a solid night’s sleep probably isn’t an option. Don’t be afraid to feel intimidated. As with all good relationships, if you want something truly delightful, you have to go out on a limb and give it everything you’ve got.