Milanese art people are in ferment. For ten days, thanks to StartMilano – the non-profit association that gathers together some of the most important local galleries, museums and institutions – everything in the city will revolve around art. The umbrella event, founded in 2006 to give more dynamism to the Milan contemporary art scene, will run from 13th to 23rd September offering a myriad of exhibitions, talks, projections, parties and so on and so forth.
Our tip to get the most out of it, is to catch a map of the city and the full programme of openings and cultural activities to pinpoint the places of interest. This way you’ll be ready to set up your tour avoiding wasting time and energy being on the trot. But don’t forget that if you are not an “openings’ addict” and your interest is all focused on visiting good art shows, you could choose to concentrate all the visits during the last weekend, enjoying the extended opening time and the extra Sunday openings. No stress.
The ‘dances’ will begin on Tuesday at around 6pm, and for those who don’t know which way to turn, here we give you some glimpses (chosen according to the date of inauguration). From the first day of the festival, Camera 16 will propose a joint exhibition entitled Fashionality that displays, among the others, the talented photographers Màrton Perlaki and Brea Sauders; the same evening in the Navigli district, Le Casa d’Arte will present Rosemarie Trockel’s solo show Prisoners of Yourself, while Saturday 15th all eyes will be locked on the great artist Anselm Kiefer at Lia Rumma.
Just a small break to warm up for the following week that will start at Museo Pecci Milano with a selection of videos from China: Moving Image in China 1988 – 2011; then the exhibition by Rob Pruitt Faces: People and Pandas at Massimo De Carlo on the 19th; and the gallery evening which will take place on Thursday 20th all around the city. During the official opening day it would be worthwhile going to Porta Venezia – an area that gathers a high concentration of contemporary art galleries – and take a look at the historical gallery Studio d’Arte Cannaviello for Bernd Zimmer’s exhibition and to the experimental space of Galleria Zero for Michael E. Smith (or if you like it more, for Riccardo Beretta’s finissage).
We don’t want to keep this tour overlong, so let’s add just two more suggestions: Dan Perjovschi at Kaufmann Repetto Gallery and Paolo Chiasera at Francesca Minini, before getting to the usual closing party, which will be hosted, as in the last few years, at the Swiss Institute.
The full program of the event is available online, while an info point will be at visitors’ disposal at Villa Reale (Via Palestro) along with a special section devoted to independent publishers and a shuttle service, which will drive art lovers around the Milan galleries circuit.