
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

A long, long time ago in the faraway, new land of America – or so the story goes – archenemies made friends for a day. They feasted on fabulous fare so fattening and filling that they had to take long naps before waking up just to eat again. Over yams, cranberry and pumpkin, formerly irreconcilable differences were forgotten as polar opposites realised the bountiful insights each could gain from the other. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving in the hope of a fruitful tomorrow, reflection on our good fortune, forgiveness of our foes and for enjoyment of friends, family and food.

So whether you’re scarfing down turkey, tofurky or take-out Chinese with your closest companions, we wish you the happiest of Happy Thanksgivings!

Text Tag Christof, drawing Mrs. Betty Anne Pinetta.